Friends and Patrons
The Friends of St Mary’s is a small but active group of supporters and volunteers.
We welcome new members.
Annual membership costs £10, family membership £15. Details are available from the Secretary on .
Members are kept in touch with the church through events and regular newsletters. All membership fees go towards ensuring the sustainability of the church.

Janet Aidin
Acting Chair:
Janet Aidin
Susan Haynes
The Rev Gerry Burgess,
Vicar of Amberley-with-North Stoke
Yvette Cook
Susan Haynes
David Lock
Sheila Ross-Hulme
Belinda Scarlett
The Duke of Norfolk
Georgina, Duchess of Norfolk
The Very Reverend Dr Nicholas Frayling, Dean Emeritus of Chichester
Dr Donald Buttress, LVO, OBE, Surveyor Emeritus of Westminster Abbey and Chichester Cathedral